Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Short Update

Skipped the walk today but did the push ups and the upper body workout. Sorry this is short but I have a lot of stuff coming up that is requiring more and more of my attention. Remind me to ask this guy where he got his clones! I need me some of them.

Happy Training,
Love Jenn


MizFit said...

hang in there.

and, should you find a way to get a clone, CALL ME!

Jenn said...

No prob!

Alice said...

You know, I'd settle for really trained monkeys, cause clones of me would just be very frightening.
Now, I would like a carpooling money, a cooking monkey and a cleaning monkey. Please?

Mark Salinas said...

Stay strong! Good job! :)

Xenia said...

I feel your pain. I could use some clones too!

Good luck.

Brianna said...

It is all about balance (though I'm with Miz, I could use a clone, too!). Way to go with sticking with part of your plan - sometimes life needs you to embrace compromise!

Chubby Chick said...

I could use a few clones, too!

And I'm glad you joined the Christmas Challenge! :)