Thursday, June 30, 2011

Frustration, Realization, and Execution

Hi there Peeps! (or Peep?),

I have had my ups and downs in this life I have chosen.

Recently I have been doing a lot of reading about nutrition and how your body is supposed to be fueled. I started following a mostly Paleo/Primal diet and after a few off days I started to feel amazing! It was like waking up from a bad dream. My head was clear, my digestion was normal, my energy was high and I was happy!

Then we ran low on money. I am still unemployed at the moment because we just have not been anywhere long enough for me to get a job. So with funds running low I started eating some of the off plan foods that where left in the cupboard. Now I am tired, achy, and cannot focus. My head is pounding and my digestion is bad.

I used to live my whole life like this? How did I function? I cannnot even imagine getting through anything that requires me to stay awake and pay attention right now. I cannot live like this anymore.

While in Norfolk, NE I started going to the gym everyday. I loved it! It was the best part of my day. I would go in there and I would pick a machine to conquer then I would pound it out as hard as I could for as long as I could. I would make bargains with myself. "Just 5 more minutes then you can stop." "Come on, you have almost completed that mile." "Lets try that again, I know you can do better." Every day I went in there and tried to go just a little farther and a little faster than the day before. I felt good.

Then in Kansas I would walk most days. If I could find a park that was great, but if not, I just took to the streets. Kansas is where I discovered the Paleo/ Primal solution.

Now we are in Iowa and it looks like we may be staying for a while. My goals right now are to get a job, get a gym membership (more on this later) and take a crack at the Whole30 challenge to reset my system and start the process of healing. I wanted to start it on July 1st but that is most likely not going to happen. I will be trying to get back on course though and hoping for August 1st as my Whole30 start date. We shall see.

In the mean time I will try to do better about keeping this blog updated and using it as a way to keep myself accountable.

Lots of love to the 2 people who accidentally read this. I hope you stick this out with me, but if not, I will understand. ;-}